The Medieval World: Castles

Colchester Castle 
Medieval Castles

History of Medieval Castles-

The introduction of castles came when the Normans invaded England from the Romans. Beginning construction around the 11th century, their primary purposes were to demonstrate wealth and power over the common, a means of defense for strategic military landmarks, as well as a means of protection against a battling enemy (1). 

Placement is Key-

Inside the hollowed out Temple foundations that would've been filled with sand.
Brick is dated to around 50 A.D.

   There are many different factors that go into the placement of castles. There were many demands that needed to be met in order to provide a livable and well-protected place for the castle's residents. The ideal location for the medieval castle was on a natural rise, cliffside, bend of a river, or within distance of Roman wall ruins for the purpose of reusing said wall materials (1). The need for proximity to a natural water source, fertile land, and a local quarry was of top priority (1). A solid foundation was of key importance. Bedrock was popular but in some instances like that of the Colchester castle, reusing ruins from the Roman conquest was sometimes easier. Colchester Castle was built on top of an abandoned Roman temple foundation. 

Map of Warwick Castle showcasing key features (3)

  • Moat- a perimeter ditch with or without water
  • Barbican- fortification to protect the gate
  • Curtain Walls and Towers- perimeter defensive wall
  • Fortified Gate House- main castle entrance
  • Keep- the largest tower and stronghold of the castle 
  • Bailey or Inner Ward- area within a curtain wall, i.e. the courtyard
View from Guy's Tower at Warwick Castle
overlooking the Barbican, Gate-house,
the main house, and the River Avon.


    Early stages of the castles would consist of a wooden palisade surrounding a camp and sometimes featured a permanent wooden tower (1). It would then expand to the motte and bailey castle which consists of a wall encircling an open space, the courtyard, and a natural or man-made hill with a wooden tower built at the center (1). This would be the standard the Normans built during their invasion. It was a very popular style of construction during the 11th century CE (1). Eventually, the introduction of stone would change to look of the castle walls and towers that would give it the popular look that we know it as today.

Uses of Castles-

    Along with the symbolic use of status and wealth stated in the introduction, castles had more purpose than just for show. They were used as a means of serving local government, administration, and of course justice (2). The use and inhabitants were not limited to the use of the crown family. The king would grant nobles and lords who were loyal to him the rights to castles, but in return, they must rule the castle and the lands provided along with it in his name and on his behalf (2).   

The video above gives a more in-depth explanation of why castles were built and how they were used in Medieval Society!  

Works Cited 

   (1) Cartwright, Mark. “Medieval Castle.” World History Encyclopedia,, 28 Apr. 2023,,frontiers%2C%20and%20as%20a%20place.
    (2) National Archives, The. “Medieval Castles.” The National Archives, The National Archives, 4 Aug. 2021,
    (3) "The borough of Warwick: The castle and castle estate in Warwick." A History of the County of Warwick: Volume 8, the City of Coventry and Borough of Warwick. Ed. W B Stephens. London: Victoria County History, 1969. 452-475. British History Online. Web. 7 September 2023.


  1. Hi, Adie. I loved reading your blog. My favorite part was the key features with the map. It was very informational. I find it fascinating that they represent wealth and power, and that placement of castles must be taken carefully into consideration. I also never knew wooden castles existed. I just assumed they were stone or brick. It's interesting how castles served government and legal court issues later on. I also enjoyed the video you added at the end!

  2. Hi Adie! I thought the map you provided was really fascinating. I have never seen a castle in real life or any sort of layout, so I always assumed that the big space in the middle of the walls is where the actual castle would be. It was shocking to me that most of the rooms are also attached to the walls themselves. Also, the gate house gives me a much better idea of how Yvaine got stuck while chasing after the wounded knight! The video was great as well and showed off some really awesome castles.

  3. Hey Adie, very cool post! I like that you mention that castles were a symbol of status and power. I usually just think of them as strategical structures, but it makes sense that they served to show status as well. I also found it fascinating that they used Roman temples as a foundation. Definitely makes sense for expediating the process. The graphic that breaks down the names was super helpful as well.


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